Criminal investigations underway in connection to deaths at Brighton hospital

Serious concerns have been raised regarding patient safety at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, part of University Hospital Sussex NHS trust, following the launch of a police investigation. During a five-year period, reports suggest that as many as 40 deaths were because of alleged failings by the trust.

The police investigation follows earlier findings by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) that downgraded the Royal Sussex County Hospital to “requires improvement”, which called for rapid improvements by the trust. The trust has acknowledged that they have been contacted by Sussex Police in relation to the investigation, but no further information has been provided at this stage.

According to The Guardian, it is alleged that the deaths follow errors in general surgery and neurosurgery and that the concerns were initially raised by the West Sussex Coroner who reported the allegations to the police.

At this stage, it is not clear whether the investigations will lead to any criminal prosecutions, however, it is certainly an indication as to the inadequate and concerning level of patient care provided by the trust.

Further criminal prosecutions spark concern

Following the criminal prosecution of Dr Ian Paterson and the further recall of his patients, it is worrying to see more criminal investigations underway in relation to the treatment and welfare of patients. Medical negligence, especially when it results in the death of a patient, is devastating and should be carefully scrutinised to ensure the best interests of the public are upheld.

Ally Taft, Head of Medical Negligence, says: “It is deeply worrying to hear that concerns raised by medical staff were dismissed, and the individuals themselves had to leave the trust, which is what happened in the Paterson cases. I hope that the investigations bring justice and answers to those families who have been impacted by the care their loved ones have received.”

If you or a loved one has received treatment by this Trust or any other Trust which was unsatisfactory and would like to make enquiries in relation to a medical negligence claim, please call us on 0800 050 1668 or fill in the form below.

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Ally Taft, Head of Clinical Negligence

Starting out as a physiotherapist, Ally embarked on her legal training knowing that she wanted to specialise in clinical negligence from the outset. Now a partner for Medical Accident Group, her experience and medical understanding have stood her and her clients in good stead, combined, as they are, with her determination to seek justice for clients whose lives have been devastated by clinical negligence.

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