1. What type of legal advice do you provide?
I provide advice and support to people who have suffered an injury following negligent medical treatment. My clients come to me at an extremely low point in their lives, and many are distressed, having suffered life-changing injuries, or having lost a loved one. Obtaining compensation is not usually their focus, and it is much more about changing procedures or raising standards to prevent it happening to someone else. However, ordering an award of damages is the only thing the courts can do to reflect poor care, and compensation is often needed to put people back on the right track.
2. Why did you choose your specialism?
I qualified as a physiotherapist so have always had an interest in medicine. I felt combining my medical knowledge with law would be fascinating, which it is. I also find it rewarding that I can help people during a low point in their lives and really make a difference to their quality of life when they need it most.
3. What makes Medical Accident Group different to other clinical negligence/personal injury law firms?
All our solicitors care deeply about the work that we do, which makes for a really positive working environment. We are the perfect size in that we are big enough to be able to assist and make a difference, but small enough to be able to give a very personal service to our clients.
4. What is your most memorable outcome for a client? And why?
Obtaining a multimillion pound settlement for a little girl who suffered a number of avoidable amputations following a delay in the diagnosis of septicaemia. She was really struggling with the very poor NHS prosthetics and knowing she can now afford to pay for the latest technologically advanced prosthetics will make a huge difference to her quality of life and that of her parents.
5. What is your one tip to someone who may have suffered medical negligence?
Keep a diary of events as memories fade, and it could be invaluable evidence later in a case. Also, seek help from your GP, as that creates a paper record of symptoms to link back to the negligence.