Category: Article

Personal injury claims: your questions answered

Thinking about making a personal injury claim for yourself or a loved one? Here are some common FAQs which may help you to initiate the process.

Criminal investigations underway in connection to deaths at Brighton hospital

Serious concerns have been raised regarding patient safety at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, part of University Hospital Sussex NHS trust, following the launch of a police investigation. During a five-year period, reports suggest that as many as 40 deaths were because of alleged failings by the trust.

Donating to support children with cancer

A treat goes a long way when you’re back and forth on hospital visits. That’s why we continue to support Children of Worcestershire Cancer Fund, a local cause which helps the families of children receiving cancer treatment at Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust.

Time to Talk Day: medical negligence doesn’t just impact physical health

The conversation around mental health is slowly getting the coverage it so rightly deserves. Talking about mental health can be difficult, which is why we’re getting behind Time To Talk Day 2023.

Doctor speaking to patient about patient's concerns over unsafe independent cosmetic surgery in a doctors office

Concerns over unsafe independent cosmetic surgery services

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has cancelled the registration of Bearwood Cosmetic Clinic in Birmingham.

Man in his house on the phone talking about how to spot sepsis

Spotting Sepsis – the signs and symptoms to look out for

Five people every hour die from sepsis in the UK.

Doctor showing other staff in the hospital how to prevent brain injuries and death of babies during childbirth

How to prevent brain injuries and baby death during childbirth

A new report has given advice on how to prevent neonatal deaths and injuries.