Irreparable damage to teeth for daughter
Poppy’s case
Poppy suffered an unfortunate accident at school when a fellow pupil mistakenly kicked her in the teeth – causing the complete loss of one tooth and damage to two others. The family dentist recommended cosmetic surgery to fix the teeth, as well as an implant for the one lost. Following the implant surgery, Poppy experienced high levels of pain as a result of nerve damage. She had to undergo two further correctional procedures, as well as ongoing six-monthly check-ups.
Poppy’s family approached dental negligence claims solicitor, Peter Savage, for help and support.
After her accident at school Poppy went to see the family dentist the next day. The whole family had seen this dentist several times before and expected a high standard of work. Poppy’s surgery was scheduled to take place across two procedures. The first procedure went well, and Poppy didn’t seem to suffer any ill effects.
Dental negligence
However, as soon as the second procedure started, Poppy knew something was wrong. She felt sharp pain even though she was anaesthetised. The dentist carried on with the surgery and fitted all parts of the replacement tooth.
For a week afterwards Poppy complained about pain but was assured, by the dentist, this was normal and was advised to take painkillers. When there wasn’t any improvement after more than a week, however, Poppy went to another dentist, who examined her tooth and suggested the pain was caused by nerve damage.
Following investigation, it transpired that the dentist had drilled too much out of Poppy’s jawbone and seated the implant incorrectly. As a result, she had to undergo two further procedures to correct the damage and needs to revisit the dentist every six months to assess the placement of the implant.
Peter said: “The family came to me for help because they wanted compensation to pay off debt incurred for the extra surgical procedures, as well as to finance Poppy’s six-monthly visits to the dentist.
“I was also able to secure an additional payment for Poppy, as compensation for her pain and suffering, as a result of the negligent surgery. In total they were awarded more than £100,000.”
Poppy’s mother said: “Medical Accident Group not only helped us get everything we deserved financially, as a result of a medical accident, but they also provided us with support all the way through the process.
“We were given free initial advice on exactly what we needed to do to bring a claim, and Peter even visited us in our home to get things started and assess our needs.”
If you have suffered from medical negligence as a result of dental negligence our experts can help you with your claim – call us on 0800 050 1668 or fill in the form below.