The George Coller Memorial Fund’s mission
The George Coller Memorial Fund’s mission is to prevent any child dying unnecessarily from asthma-related illness.
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Asthma is a condition that affects the airways – the small tubes that carry the air in and out of the lungs.
The George Coller Memorial Fund’s main purpose is to raise awareness about asthma and to improve the healthcare provisions for all children suffering with the condition.
All donations go towards funding George Coller Asthma Nurses, sponsoring an asthma helpline, providing training to school staff, school nurses, nursery schools and child minders, and more. The charity also offers help and advice to the families of asthma sufferers.
The George Coller Memorial Fund was launched in 2000 in memory of George Coller. George endured so much in his short life with the constant traumas of coping with his asthma. Eventually it all got too much for his little body and he passed away in his sleep. He was only three years old.